Force an Attack

Xia Houshang watched everything unfold and tried to sneak away. However, Zhi Xinai stopped her.

"Where do you think you're going?! You're a scam! Not only did you waste precious time when my son was here, but you also killed him! Give me my son back!"

She then started hitting Xia Houshang. 

"How dare you!" Xia Houshang's nicely done bun had been pulled apart. Her expression was now stern, "Don't make me hurt you!"

As a noble and the inheritor of the weaponry family, she'd been highly respected and everyone around her has always feared her. 

This was the first time she'd been treated like this.

"You think I'm afraid of you?!" The woman was acting like she's in a rage to kill as she continued to hit Xia Houshang, "My son is dead. I don't want to live anymore. If you are so capable, then kill me! You scam! Trash! I'm going to kill you!"