The Strokes on this Painting look Familiar

Jun Yexua pursed his lips, "I'm not sure. But if my illness really is his doing, then it's a very likely possibility."

Though he didn't sound emotional when he said it, Qiao Qing's heart tightened. 

Jun Yexuan held onto Qiao Qing's hand and smiled at her. The gentleness in his eyes poured out.

"Qingqing, don't worry. As a man, one breakdown is enough for a lifetime."

Mu Jinghang scrunched his nose and tried not to take part in this PDA. He asked, "Where are we going now?"

Qiao Qing said, "Eat, then go to the Quan family."

Mu Jinghang asked, "Are we eating back at the castle?"

Jun Yexuan rolled his eyes, "Am I bankrupt? Why would I go back and look at the old man?"

Mu Jinghang chuckled and stopped speaking. 

The group dined outside then drove to the Quan family home.

Inside the Quan family home.

The butler was surprised to see so many strangers and asked, "You guys are…?"