If it weren’t for the Fact that you are his Grandpa, your Gravestone would already be Erected

Yin Lei felt blood surge to his throat as anger fueled him. All his life, he hated it the most when others compared him to that guy. This bastard sure enjoyed stabbing him where it hurts. 

As he thought about it, he coldly snorted, "You're still counting on Quan Zexi to help you? If he wanted to help, he would have the last time you visited him."

"I know him better than everyone else. He's only ever cared about himself. You really think he'd offend me to help out a few strangers?! What a joke!"

Jun Yexuan's eyes narrowed and he didn't speak. 

Yin Lei thought he had the better argument and was encouraged. 

Arrogantly, he asked Jun Yexuan, "Where's that little girlfriend of yours? Tell her to come out. I know she's inside."

Before Jun Yexuan could make a move, Qiao Qing walked out. She stood beside Jun Yexuan and her gaze was cold as she stared at Yin Lei. 

Behind her, Qi Yusen followed her out.