I hope you won’t regret this

Jun Yexuan glanced around, "There are so many pairs of eyes on you yet you didn't notice? What is that if not low sensibility? I am well aware of the kind of person you are. You really think I'd invade your space without the slightest protection?"

Yin Lei looked afar and was shocked to find that there were lines of people on top of the castle walls. All of them had their guns pointed at him. 

The shocked look on Yin Lei's face made Jun Yexuan smile, "You know how good we are. Your bullets cannot hit us. We're going to get onto this helicopter now and go back. As for you… ah… to be shot through until you look like a die at this old age… How tragic."

Yin Lei almost puked out blood, "How dare you! I'm your grandpa!"

"Try me! You dare to hurt any one of my people and you are a dead man! When you used me, you didn't go soft. Now you're calling yourself a grandpa? How disgusting! Don't use that identity of yours to try and control me. You're not good enough!"