You may not want this seat, but someone will!

Quan Yeqing's face was heavy, "Have you found out who was behind all of this?"

The subordinate responded, "I did. It was Emperor Yin. Here is the evidence I've gathered."

His words made everyone look over to Jun Yexuan.

Jun Yexuan's chin trembled as his handsome face tensed up. 

Quan Zexi reacted like he had found something to be honorable about, "Qingqing, the grandpa of that boyfriend of yours almost became the murderer of your father. Yet you are still going to be with him?"

Jun Yexuan's body froze. 

Qiao Qing's eyes glossed over as she tightened her grip on Jun Yexuan's hand, "The Emperor is a unique individual who doesn't represent anyone else. He was the one who made the mistake - why would you drag that onto his grandson?! Plus, the grandson is one of the victims hurt by the Emperor!"