You must Send your People and Capture Qiao Qing

Yin Lei was scared, "Houshang, don't do anything rash. We can still talk about this."

Xia Houshang laughed, "Emperor Yin, can't you read the room? Just how many days do you think you can hide the fact that my father has passed?"

"I am now the man of the family and I've taken over the entire weapon production process. I am now the cure of this country's national security. Even when my father was still alive, he was merely a Duke by title."

"As long as I am here, the citizens of this country will not be afraid. As long as I am here, the outside enemies will think twice before deciding to attack. As long as I am your ally, the Quan family wouldn't behave irrationally."

"Right now, instead of thinking of ways to please me, you're trying to shut down unimportant news. You have your priorities backward."

Yin Lei realized this as well. He also knew that Xia Houshang wouldn't be talking like this for no reason.