
As Xu Mian was taken away, his heart was filled with sadness. 

But he knew that there was no talking Yin Lei out of his plan, he didn't regret his decision to not be a part of the mission. 

He had no idea that his persistence with this would save his life. 

Nightfall, inside the Quan family home. 

After everyone had dinner, Wan Kaiyi walked into the kitchen, "Duke, Emperor Yin is here."

Quan Zexi subconsciously frowned, "What's he doing here?!"

Wan Kaiyi said, "The Emperor says he wishes to discuss the division of the Xia guards with you."

Qiao Qing pulled on Quan Zexi's sleeve, "I'm sure he's been made aware of the meeting you called. For him to visit at this time, it's more likely that he wants to cause you harm. Be careful."

Quan Zexi patted her little head, "I've dealt with him for way longer than you have. I know exactly what kind of person he is. Qingqing, go upstairs and wait."