Turn of Events

Qiao Qing's gaze was cold, "I'll leave everything here to you."

She did a somersault and arrived on the other side of the room. With guns in both of her hands, she took her shots. 

It didn't take long for all of the royal guards to collapse. Out of the 12 professionally trained killers, seven of them had died. 

Quan Zexi and Qiao Qing remained unharmed.

Yin Lei was more than flustered and he ordered, "Don't get hung up on the fight. Hurry and run! Take me!"

Just then, the remaining five guards died of gunshot wounds.

Yin Lei had no idea that his highly trained people would be so weak and his brain went numb. 

Without getting the chance to curse at these people, he tried to escape.

He managed to take two steps before he was hit with a bullet in the back. He spat out blood and collapsed onto the floor. 

The first thing Qiao Qing did was check up on Jun Yexuan. Seeing that he had no change in expression, she walked forward.