I could Care less if you Disagree!

"We are going to be together soon or later. Before marriage and after marriage, we will live with you. That won't change. So why must you stop us from being together?!"

Mu Jinghang, who just snuck back in from outside, heard this monologue and gave his third brother a thumbs up. 

His third brother dared to talk like this in front of his elders? He sure didn't fear death. 

Perhaps something about what Jun Yexuan had said touched the people. For a moment there, nobody objected or yelled at him. 

After some time, Quan Zexi looked up, "When do you want to marry Qingqing? No matter what you have to say, there is no way I will allow you to marry her now! She's only 18!"

"Don't bring up her mom! Her mom at 18 didn't have me and didn't know what was best for her! With me there, I never would've let her do such a wild thing!"

Everyone else, "..."

So he admitted that he was a bad influence?