Sister Qiao is the most Hardy

Quan Zexi's voice made Jun Yexuan tighten his fists. 

He opened his mouth but no sound came out.

Just then, Qiao Qing's crisp voice arose inside the room, "20 at the latest."




Everyone in the room turned to stare at Qiao Qing. Jun Yexuan included.

Qiao Qing held tightly onto Jun Yexuan's hand and intertwined her fingers with his. Her voice was loud and clear, "I said, 20 at the latest. I'm going to marry him then."

"What did you say?"


"Not allowed!"

"Sister, you must be crazy!"

"I'm not going to agree to that!"


Everyone in the living room once again exploded. 

Jun Yexuan's empty heart felt like it's been injected with a warm stream of love. He tightened his grip around her hands. 

It didn't matter to him whether or not the others objected. He was happy as long as her intentions agreed to his.