She Remembered it all

"This is one of the most important things in my life. Yet all of you seem to want to tell me what to do. Can't you respect my decisions? He's the man I'm determined to be with, yet you keep on demeaning him and giving him a hard time. Do you ever consider the possibility that doing so hurts me? Do you ever consider how you have been putting me in a difficult position?"

"Do you all really love me or are you all just trying to fulfill your desire to control your daughter or sister? Aren't you all interfering with my relationship because you want to feel powerful?"

By now, everyone had lowered their heads as they self-reflected. 

Qiao Qing seemed to want to say everything she's been suppressing this past year. After a second, she continued, "You guys don't know him so you don't know why I like him. I can tell you."