tang yu becomes a parent for once (3)

zhou meilin and pei huan also followed them out for a walk.

"Mr. Tang, PEI Huan was not the one who spread the news!" Zhou Meilin felt guilty, afraid of Tang Yu, and unwilling, " "Look at how PEI Qiqi beat PEI Huan up."

tang yu's gaze landed on pei huan's face. it was indeed a little disfigured from all the scratching.

he turned around and looked at pei qiqi's face. there were only five finger marks. pei huan must have hit her first.

he sighed in his heart. if he provoked her one day, would she also treat him so fiercely?

Zhou Meilin looked at Tang Yu's unmoved expression and felt a little anxious. So, she said in a neutral tone, " "no matter what, pei huan is also jinrong's fiancée yingluo."

and pei qiqi was just tang yu's wife, qianqian.

"What about jinrong? why is he missing after such a big incident?" Tang Yan chuckled and then looked at Zhou Meilin and PEI Huan. whether it's you or not, I'll put the blame on you for anything related to Qiqi in school.