Tang Yu becomes a parent (4)

Tang Yu looked up, " a relationship.

This answer was a little vague.

however, the reporters weren't easy to get rid of. they followed them like crazy and it was difficult for them to even get into the car. tang yu and pei qiqi were stuck there and were in a daze.

Mr. Tang, will you and miss PEI Qiqi get married before she graduates? "

" mr. tang, what if miss pei qiqi is pregnant? "


The questions were all about PEI Qiqi's stomach. Tang Yu scanned the room and said calmly, " my relationship with Qiqi is pure. I won't touch her before she graduates.

pei qiqi had already accepted all kinds of shock and changes today, but what made her most speechless was wanwan.

He said that he wouldn't touch her before graduation, so who was the man who had been hugging her and unlocking all kinds of positions with her every night?