Tang Yu becomes a parent for once (5)

pei qiqi smiled and walked into the classroom with her.

When she went to Sheng Yuan in the afternoon, Tang Yu unexpectedly got someone to transfer her to the design department. He even arranged for her to have an office table.

PEI Qiqi sat down and touched the set of tables and chairs with her fingers. She knew that it was a very lucky thing for a student who had yet to graduate to be able to enter the design department of Sheng Yuan.

She had mixed feelings. She knew this was Tang Yu's exception.

She knew that he wasn't a person who would separate his private life from his work, but he was still an exception for her.

at 5 pm, tang yu called her and told her to go home first. he still had a meeting to attend to. in the end, he added, " take a taxi. otherwise, i'll ask qingcheng to send you home. "

of course, pei qiqi didn't want to trouble meng qingcheng. she obediently took a taxi back.