PEI Qiqi's past (1)

Qiqi, I feel like I've been blessed by God. The company's performance is booming. PEI Minghe's expression was filled with satisfaction. I didn't expect a flower to bloom in my old age.

Zhou Meilin sat far away and said sourly, " " this is all because of jinrong's family. otherwise, do you really think you can turn over a new leaf? "

pei minghe smiled awkwardly. " a part, a part! "

"Dad is the best in my heart!" PEI Qiqi said softly, comforting PEI Minghe.

He smiled with infinite satisfaction again.

zhou meilin heard it, " just comfort yourself! "

"How can you say such crude words in front of the child?" pei minghe couldn't help but scold her. zhou meilin was usually arrogant, but was it appropriate to say these words in front of children?

Zhou Meilin smiled strangely, " Qiqi is not a child anymore, Yingluo.

How could PEI Qiqi not understand what she was saying? she smiled, " right, dad. PEI Huan and I have 'grown up'.