PEI Qiqi's life (2)

zhao ke's gaze landed on pei qiqi. pei qiqi was sensitive enough to realize that zhao ke didn't want to look at her. she only glanced at her for a moment before lowering her head to gently stir the coffee in her cup.

zhao ke elegantly picked up the cup and took a small sip. when she looked up and saw that pei qiqi didn't move, she smiled lightly, " these are coffee beans imported from Netherlands. you can't drink them in a normal coffee shop. "

pei qiqi pushed her cup forward and looked straight at zhao ke, " i don't like coffee. "

therefore, no matter how good the coffee beans were, they were not attractive at all.

A trace of displeasure appeared in Zhao Ke's eyes, but she concealed it very well. She put down the cup, wiped her lower lip with a tissue, and took out her lipstick to touch up her makeup. Only then did she say unhurriedly, " "Tell me, how much do you want?"

pei qiqi just looked at her like that. her eyes were a little hot.