pei qiqi's past (3)

PEI Qiqi thought that she would never care about the word 'mother' in this life. However, when Zhao Ke appeared in front of her, she couldn't control her shock.

It turned out that she also yearned for love.

But now, her heart felt as if it had been poured by a heavy rain.

he was thoroughly cold.

She didn't know how long she had been sitting there. The waiter came by twice, but when he saw her, he sneaked away.

It wasn't until the sky turned dark that PEI Qiqi finally walked out. The sky started drizzling. Under the streetlights, the rain looked like thin needles.

She looked up and let the rain fall on her face.

he walked aimlessly, not caring about the scratches on his feet. blood seeped out along with the rain, leaving dark red trails of blood.

The rain got heavier and heavier, falling from the sky like beans. The entire sky was dark and gloomy, and even the lights of the night couldn't illuminate it.