tang yu, don't go (5)

tang yu reached out and picked her up. pei qiqi cried out in shock and wrapped her arms around his neck.

She lowered her head and could see his handsome face. There was a light green stubble on his smooth chin, which was very sexy. Looking up, it was his beautifully shaped thin lips. His entire person looked extraordinarily handsome in the morning light.

PEI Qiqi's heart beat faster. She looked down and didn't dare to look at Qianqian.

Tang Yu carried her to the bathroom and put her down, " I'll wait for you outside.

her face heated up, and she hummed softly in response.

Tang Yu was a man who valued privacy, so he gave her some space. He stood outside for a while.

pei qiqi turned on the cold water and splashed it on her face. only then did she feel better.

she raised her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror, but her face overlapped with zhao ke's.

the same face