If you're pregnant, let's get married I

Auntie li was in her fifties and had a daughter overseas. She was a good person.

she stepped forward and helped pei qiqi back to her bed. as she walked, she scolded, " look at her face. it's still yellow. she doesn't know how to rest. if mr. tang finds out, it won't be good. she'll have to get her P * ss slapped. "

auntie li only said that tang yu was pei qiqi's boyfriend. she pulled a long face to scare her, but her eyes were full of love.

pei qiqi smiled and lay back down with auntie li's help. she closed her eyes and said softly, " auntie li, i just want to stand for a while. "

Auntie li tucked her in and softened her voice, coaxing her like she was coaxing a child."Mr. Tang has told us not to get out of bed for the next few days. We'll wait for the doctor's approval."

Then, she smiled mysteriously. Mr. Tang dotes on you a lot. He's good-looking and rich. It's hard to find a man like him. You have to make good use of him.