tang yu's jealous lover (3)

PEI Qiqi couldn't stand him like this, but she didn't want to show up here.

In fact, he did not stop at all, tormenting her.

she had no choice, and it was useless to beg him. in the end, she begged in a low voice, " "let's go to the room,"

He got his wish and carried her to the room. Just as he was about to love her, the doorbell rang.

Tang Yu cursed under his breath. His body suddenly tensed up. He didn't care about anything else but the doorbell continued to ring.

Her soft little hand pushed his shoulder, and her voice was also broken, " someone teased you.

he lowered his head and leaned on her neck. " don't worry about it. "

at this moment, she was so fragrant and so soft. he was even willing to die on her body, so how could he remember?

"Tang Yu!" she patted him with her small hand, but she could not do it no matter what.