tang yu's jealous lover (4)

lin jinrong's voice was hoarse. " you're together with her? "

tang yu smiled, " yes. "

Lin jinrong didn't ask any further. He just took a deep puff of his cigarette and drank the wine in his glass before pouring himself another glass.

red wine could not get him drunk, and the more he drank, the more sober he became.

tang yu only took a sip and sat there the whole time.

" brother tang zheng, you said before that you wanted to find a girl you like to date and a suitable woman to marry. now, pei qiqi is the one you like or the one that suits you? " Lin jinrong looked straight into Tang Yu's eyes.

Tang Yu's eyes swept across the empty bottle-jinrong still drank too much.

His body leaned against the wine cabinet, and his expression was a little lazy. jinrong, maybe I'll find a girl I like and suit me? "

he looked lazy, but his eyes were sharp.

Lin jinrong was stunned. He didn't expect Tang mo to say that about ran ran.