Spreading dog food (4)

Lin jinrong put his hands in his pockets, his expression indifferent.

mother lin sighed in her heart.

pei qiqi laughed, " pei huan, it's not up to me to decide whether you let auntie go or not. auntie raised me and i will always remember it in my heart. i will always want to repay qianqian. "

"is this how you repay me?" pei huan was a little annoyed and shocked that pei qiqi didn't give her any face in front of tang yu.

pei qiqi laughed coldly, " auntie knew the law and broke it. this time, she didn't do anything to her because she bumped into me. if she accidentally did this to someone else next time, what do you think would happen? " wouldn't it be good for her to reflect on herself for a few days? Besides, didn't Auntie teach me this since I was young? I remember that sentence the most. Lock her up for a few days and she'll become obedient, PEI Huan. Do you still remember that?"