Chapter 238-meeting parents

PEI Qiqi walked out of the changing room. Her clothes were surprisingly good looking. She was wearing a white dress with a beige jacket. Her long hair was tied into a ponytail, making her look young and pure.

tang mo shook his head as he swiped the card. " qiqi, you make me feel like an uncle. "

"You're an uncle." Her hand naturally held his, and she turned her head to smile at him.

The cashier was conquered by the smile on Tang Yu's face and almost made the wrong amount.

tang yu patted pei qiqi and walked out with her for a walk.

Outside, he saw Lin jinrong leaning against his sports car, smoking.

tang zheng frowned. " jinrong! "

lin jinrong sneered, " i should say congratulations! "

He looked at PEI Qiqi, " is this the life you want? "

"jinrong, that's enough!" Tang Yu's expression was dark, " don't forget. You're married.