chapter 278-you don't have! heart

Zhao Ke couldn't stand Rong Lei's words.

No matter what, she could not be called old!

Zhao Ke covered her face and went to the car downstairs. She flipped the mirror and looked at herself carefully.

Her skin was still smooth and delicate, and she was still beautiful even at the age of forty.

But, but Rong Lei said she was old, huhu.

No, she was not old!

How could she be old?

she was the most beautiful woman in B city. there were so many men who fell for her.

how could she be old?

Zhao Ke kept reaching out to touch her face, desperately wanting to get confirmation.

however, at night, even if she asked for sex, tang zhiyuan would ignore her. he would turn his body around and sleep with his back facing her.

After that, she reached into his pajamas.

"zhao ke, i'm not as interested as you." tang zhiyuan sat up and went straight to the guest room to sleep.