you don't have a heart (2)

Zhao Ke went out after breakfast. Tang Xin looked at her and then waved her hand.

after the car drove away, tang xin ran back to her bedroom and called pei qiqi.

" qiqi, my mom agreed to let me go with dad. " tang xin lay on the bed, looking happy.

PEI Qiqi was trying on her dress for tomorrow. It was a coffee-colored strapless chiffon dress. It was very flowy and reached her feet. From the chest to the bottom, it was embroidered with thousands of flowers. The branches were beautiful and it gave off a mysterious feeling.

The effect was even better with makeup on. in addition to her beauty, she also had a bit more charm.

it was still sister ning who put on the makeup for her. her hair was tied up in a retro style and her dark golden side profile was dazzling.

Ning Jie finished and placed her hand on PEI Qiqi's shoulder. She sighed, " it's such a pity that we gave up on the last commercial.