Straight man cancer acts up (2)

tang zhiyuan was stunned.

" don't mention the past. since you've done it, there's no way you can regret it. " Tang Yu got up as he spoke. He didn't have any intention of meeting Shen Lian.

tang zhiyuan subconsciously stood up as well. his fingers clasped his son's arm and his voice trembled. " "Don't tell me you also approve of your mother and Zhao Yi being together?"

All these years, with Tang Yu's intelligence, it's impossible that he didn't see through it. He probably already knew.

But he still put Zhao Yi in an important position, his attitude was clear.

tang zhiqing's face was cold as she looked straight at tang zhiyuan. she said slowly, " at least, uncle zhao can be faithful. "

Tang Zhiyuan was stunned. Then, he unconsciously let go of Tang Yu's arm.

he laughed at himself. " yes, i'm not as good as him. "

but in his heart, he still felt that lin yun still had feelings for him. otherwise, she would have been with zhao yi a long time ago, right?