Chapter 375.1-he's not someone you can afford to offend!

tang zhiyuan's heart was filled with an indescribable feeling. at that time, he was blinded by lard and was forced by zhao ke to the point of helplessly wailing.

if he had known that yunyun was pregnant back then, would the outcome have been different?

when he saw tang xin, he felt even worse. No matter what, this child was innocent, so no matter how much he disliked Zhao Ke, he couldn't ignore Tang Xin.

zhao ke was speechless. tang zhiyuan slowly went upstairs to accompany tang xin.

Zhao Ke stood downstairs alone and bit her lip. At the end of the day, Tang Zhiyuan still cared about what happened last time.

She went to Rong Lei and gave him a million Yuan. After Rong Lei humiliated her, he promised not to post her nude photos online again.

Last time, her face was blurry, so no matter who asked her, Zhao Ke denied it ...

time will wash away everything. as long as tang xin was here, tang zhiyuan wouldn't really dare to divorce her.