qi qi, you have to be responsible for your brother (1)

At that time, Dean Hao looked at him and hesitantly said, " " there's another way. mr. tang, you and miss pei are both tang xin's blood relatives. if you have a child, there's a good chance that the child's blood will match. "

As long as there was a glimmer of hope, Tang Yu would not give up.

however, he didn't want to tell pei qiqi. if he told her, she would definitely demand to have a child with him.

It would be an insult to their relationship. He wanted her to be with him willingly, not to save Tang Xin.

he wanted her to love him with all her heart.

tang yu was even a little jealous. he was a little jealous that she cared too much about tang xin.

fortunately, tang xin's chemotherapy was well-behaved this time, and the best doctor and medicine were hired, so her condition stabilized and she could go home after staying for half a month.

pei qiqi ran around and often came to accompany tang xin.