qi qi, you have to be responsible for your brother (2)

Tang Zhiyuan knew that it was cruel to say that, but he still said it, " as a father, I still hope Tang Yu can find a lady from a prestigious family. I like the Shen family's daughter the most. Miss PEI has met her before and they used to be very close.

PEI Qiqi's heart was already numb from his words.

parents would always plan for their children in this way.

She gave a shallow smile. I understand.

She did not say anything else.

What was there to say?

What was there to say to a strange and pathetic man?

At the same time, he was cruel.

the way he treated zhao ke was too ruthless.

pei qiqi raised her head and looked at this middle-aged man who used to be noble but was still decent. she saw a touch of coldness in his eyes.

She lowered her head and walked back to the ward silently.

Tang Xin sat there alone. She probably guessed what Tang Zhiyuan had said to her and meowed like a kitten, " "Qi Qi, will you come and see me?"