Declaration of war? or do you miss me?(3)

PEI Qiqi tasted blood and laughed. Just as she was about to let go, she felt something on the back of her head. Someone was holding her head.

"you want to run after biting someone? hmm?" his voice was low and hoarse as he held her, their faces touching.

the boiling temperature made her blush and her heart race. at this time, she realized that they were so close to each other that their breaths were almost fused together. she was half-sprawled on the large conference table, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Let me go." she was a little annoyed.

tang yu's eyes were locked on her. his voice was a little seductive. " boss pei, you bit me. how should i repay you? " Hmm?"

"You were the one who forced a kiss on me," She was so angry that her face turned red. She was no longer the calm boss PEI but his little pet PEI Qiqi.

Tang Yu chuckled, " then I'll let you force a kiss back and then I'll bite you. Does that make it even? "