declaration of war? or do you miss me?(4)

He watched as she slowly bloomed and became stronger.

however, she was still a child in private.

she would also be proud of her little progress and would want to show it to him.

although it was a little childish, he liked yingluo.

PEI Qiqi, who had done something bad, wanted to leave but Tang Yu didn't let her. He reached out his hand and ruffled her hair.

at this moment, his heart almost softened, and he said to her ...

PEI Qiqi, come back to my side now!

However, he endured it.

it wasn't time yet. she wasn't ready, yingluo.

Let's leave it at that. PEI Qiqi, I'm willing to wait.

however, when i'm waiting for you, don't be with anyone else. otherwise, i'll really get angry and the consequences will be very serious!

he pressed her down and said with a hoarse voice, " pei qiqi, if you don't want to do it with me here, then leave now. "

She looked up and saw the brightness in his eyes.

She knew best what his eyes meant, Yingluo.