her hatred, his pain (1)

she panted heavily, her eyes fixed on the white wall opposite her.

tang xin.

PEI Qiqi took the phone beside her pillow and dialed Tang Xin's number. The phone rang again and again, but no one answered.

she lifted the blanket and got out of bed, but as soon as she got down, the sound of a message came.

PEI Qiqi immediately picked it up and looked-

It was a message from Tang Xin.

"Qiqi, where have you been?" i was sent to United States by my father. it was so boring! And they didn't allow me to call them, so I could only secretly send them messages.

PEI Qiqi looked at the few lines of text again and again before she replied-

i just returned to B city.

Tang Xin chatted with her for a long time, all kinds of clingy.

PEI Qiqi's eyes were wet. She didn't know how to tell Tang Xin that her child was gone and she might not be able to save her anymore.