Her hatred, his pain (2)

Perhaps, he didn't have anyone by his side. He actually felt that pampering PEI Qiqi like a daughter was good. At least, he wouldn't be so lonely.

tang zhiyuan got into character, but pei qiqi didn't.

even though it was just an identification, she still couldn't accept it.

In the afternoon, doctor Mei had looked at the list and said that she could be discharged. At that moment, she felt relieved, but her heart sank a little.

The car slowly left Sheng Yuan hospital. Tang Zhiyuan and PEI Qiqi sat side by side in the back seat. Perhaps to ease the atmosphere, he patted her little hand on her knee and comforted her, " "daddy will take care of you in the future."

pei qiqi froze for a moment and then turned her head to look at him. after a long time, she said, " can I live with Tang Xin? "

at that moment, tang zhiyuan's face froze for a moment. his muscles also trembled unnaturally.

there was even a kind of pain in his eyes.