tang yu, she's in my bed (2)

late at night, on the streets of city B, tang yu's entire body was wet.| after that, he held the phone and instructed xiao ran, " contact all the banks. if qiqi uses a bank card with the number 0000 to withdraw money, send me a message immediately. "

As soon as she finished speaking, her phone was turned off, and it flashed a few times before running out of battery!

Tang Yu cursed under his breath. He pursed his thin lips and walked over to open the car door. He continued to look for PEI Qiqi in the rain. He was burning with anxiety. His forehead was a little hot. He must have a fever, but he couldn't care less.

He was worried about her. He was worried that something had happened to her Hanhan.

she had tang xin's phone with her, but it was also turned off.

when his phone was fully charged in the car, he turned it on again and waited for a message.