Tang Yu, she's in my bed (3)

However, Qin Anlan still stayed by her side until dawn. He did not even close his eyes.

when the sky brightened, he walked to the head of the bed and took her phone. it was a pink color that only little girls used. it didn't look like pei qiqi's.

he helped to charge the phone, and when he turned it on, he saw hundreds of missed calls.

they were all tang yu's kasaya.

at that moment, qin anlan's phone rang. it was tang yu!

qin anlan looked at the big bed and walked out with his phone.

He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and answered the phone. I'm Qin Anlan.

Tang Yu sat in the car. His originally tired body suddenly stiffened.

Qin Anlan?

why was tang xin's phone in qin anlan's hands?

He did not reply immediately. Qin Anlan smiled and said, " Qiqi is still sleeping. Do you want her to answer the phone? "

Tang mo suddenly hung up.