we found qi qi (4)

outside, it started to rain.

when pei qiqi got off work, the rain was heavy and there were very few people outside.

the dim yellow streetlights were wet from the rain, so the light they gave off was cold. she stood at the door of the shop and waited for a long time, but the rain did not show any signs of stopping. it was about a five-minute walk from here to the station.

Tang Yu's car was parked 50 meters away. The car lights were on and the windshield wipers were running non-stop. They were also blocking his face.

he watched as she stood there, hesitating, covering her head with her coat and running toward the train station.

Every step he took was so clear that he stepped on the cold puddles of water in the quiet night.

just like that night when they first met, she had also run towards him like this!

the windshield wipers kept on running, shattering tang yu's expression.

finally, she passed by his car, but it was just a flash ...