You can't win against him (1)

he could even see her wearing white pajamas and drying her hair by the window.

It was faint, and although it could not be seen clearly, it could not stop others from peeking.

tang zheng pursed his lips. after taking two puffs, he put away the cigarette in his hand and went into the car to make a phone call.

a day later, when pei qiqi returned, she realized that her curtains had been changed. they were replaced with two layers. one was a thin layer of gauze on the inside and the other was a thick layer of cloth.

She called the landlord to thank him. She had asked him to change the curtains before, but the landlord had not been willing to do so. This time, he had changed the curtains so readily, and the color was her favorite.

The landlord accepted her thanks and looked at the passbook in his hand with mixed feelings. She had already sold the house at twice the market price. Also, PEI Qiqi's rent will be returned to her in the future.