PEI Qiqi, you've slapped me again (1)

pei qiqi lay on the back seat and was hit several times. her little face was covered in tears. it was too shameful.

tang yu's body leaned down and covered her tightly. his handsome face was right next to her cheek.

Her little face was cold because of her tears, while his face was a little hot.

it was very quiet in the car, with only the occasional sound of her sobbing.

PEI Qiqi's body was weak. After being slapped a few times, she felt dizzy. She laid there for a long time and couldn't get up. Her face was quiet and there were a few drops of tears on her long eyelashes. When she blinked, they fell like dewdrops.

her eyelids were pinkish from crying, and her usually pale face had a tinge of red on it. that delicate texture made him want to bite her. of course, he wanted to bite her little mouth more.

He thought so and did so.