PEI Qiqi, you slapped me again (2)

PEI Qiqi slowly raised her eyes and looked at him. Her eyes were filled with stubbornness.

Tang Yu didn't care about the pain in his arm, " "I'll send you back." as he spoke, he strode to the front of the driver's seat, picked up the cigarette box on the central control, took out a cigarette, and lit it.

the car window rolled down a little. with the cigarette between his fingers, he started the car with one hand and drove away from yan hui with the other.

PEI Qiqi sat in the back seat. Her entire body was frozen. She didn't look at him and only looked out the window.

Every second she spent with him was torture because his aura was so strong that she couldn't ignore Hanhan.

The entire journey was silent.

An hour later, the black limousine finally stopped at her apartment. It was already noon, and he could have forced her to stay for lunch at Yan Hui.

However, after what happened between them, she would probably feel uncomfortable.