Tang Yu's weakness (2)

she said worriedly,"then, jinrong qianqian ..."

she had her concerns. after all, jinrong was her nephew. it would be a lie to say that she didn't love him.

Tang Yu's voice was a little hurried and bitter, " Qiqi won't fall in love with anyone else.

She had loved him deeply, so how could she easily accept someone else?

Lin Yun nodded and told the servants at home to take the two babies back to Zhao Yi before turning back.

There were some things that she couldn't say even in front of Tang Zhiyuan. At this moment, there were only the two of them, so she still said, " Tang Yu, you need to know your limits. Shen Lian is currently in a bad mood.

even if she didn't say anything, tang yu already knew. he smiled faintly to show that he understood.

Lin Yun left after giving her instructions. Tang Yu turned around and got into his car, driving all the way back to the Rose Garden.