the charity night (part one)

Jia Ren magazine sold well hotcakes again, and it was three reprints.

the boss of the magazine agency counted the money until his hands were tired, and the managing editor was also very proud.

that man magazine had always claimed to be the boss of the industry, but this time, their jia ren magazine had completely outdone the bullsh * t magazine that specialized in taking off women's clothes.

the managing editor felt good just thinking about it. that was why he found pei qiqi particularly pleasing to the eye. he spoke gently, " little pei, i've already applied for a pay raise for you. you've jumped two grades. this is a rare thing in our club. you must work hard. " After the managing editor finished speaking, he changed the topic. this time, I have a special reward for you and old kan.

pei qiqi looked at him pitifully. all she could see was money being poured down.