I'm going to ruin your reputation (2)

Shen Lian slowly woke up. The moment she opened her eyes, she saw a man in a white shirt looking down at her.

Her vision was a blur. In a daze, she felt like Tang Yu was there.

when they were young, he would take care of her like this when she was disobedient when she had a fever.

that was such a wonderful time!

Shen Lian's voice was a little hoarse, " Tang Yu, is that you? "

The man who was looking down froze for a moment. He raised his head and looked at her.

He was not.

he was just her doctor.

However, Shen Lian was still in a daze. She straightened her body and her voice was still gentle, " Tang Yu, I know you won't be so cruel.

"You like me, right? Towards PEI Qiqi, you only desire| wang, right?" She sat up and took off her dress. Her eyes were like water. I can give you what she can give you.

in the morning light, her eyes were pure and her body was fair and beautiful. her incompleteness was like a venus de milo with a broken arm.