Happy times (sweet, sweet, pampering)

xia city.

PEI Qiqi was scrolling through the news on her phone. She turned her face away, " Tang Yu, aren't you worried? "

"What's the hurry?" Tang Yu laid down and placed his little heart on his stomach, letting the little guy play with it.

PEI Qiqi shifted her face to his stomach, " aren't you afraid that she'll panic and show you? "

"who would take over at a time like this?" Tang Yu chuckled, " plus, based on my understanding of Shen Lian, she won't give up so easily. She won't let go until the last moment.

PEI Qiqi's little hand pulled him hard and snorted, " "you know her very well?"

Tang Yu lowered his head and looked at his heart. Then, he slowly said, " "It's only limited to the heart."

"Oh! if my body understood it, i probably wouldn't be here." PEI Qiqi lowered her eyes. Her voice was soft and she was a little emotional.

"Qiqi, these" ifs "don't exist." Tang Yan sighed.