She's mine (1)

tang yu's voice was low, " qiqi, she will always be here. she has become our little heart and will always be by our side. "

PEI Qiqi closed her eyes and cried in his arms for a long time.

perhaps it was because she had always been avoiding it, and today, shen lian had torn open a hole. those injuries were exposed and exposed in the air, enshrouding her.

because she was emotionally unstable, tang yu only asked zhao to take her back to her apartment in the afternoon. he also gave her a few special instructions.

while pei qiqi was sitting in the car, tang yan sent her a video. it was a video of little xin playing at home.

Little Xin faced the camera and grinned, revealing a few white teeth. She was smiling so hard that she was drooling.

It was especially cute and it soothed the pain in PEI Qiqi's heart.

She just kept looking at it, her fingers gently caressing little Xinxin's little face.

this child was her salvation.