She's mine (2)

pei qiqi had a suggestion,"the doctor mei i know isn't bad."

pei huan was a little scared when she heard this because ran ran knew that doctor mei and the lin family knew each other.

PEI Qiqi immediately noticed her dilemma. Before she could change her mind, old kan said happily, " " it's not wrong for qiqi to know him. pei huan, let's look for this doctor mei. "

seeing his silly look, pei huan's heart calmed down.

So be it if it was doctor Mei. Anyway, old kan knew about her past.

pei huan touched her stomach again and looked happy. she raised her head and asked old kan, " "When are we getting married?"

"I don't want to get married pregnant. I'll look ugly!"

old kan thought for a while and said,'i haven't gotten the house yet. how about this? i'll book a presidential suite for a month and then stay back.' we'll move in after the renovation is done."