Mr. Tang's marriage leave (dog food)

amy smiled meaningfully, " pei qiqi, do you think you're married by giving out wedding candies like this? "

"What else?" PEI Qiqi asked.

no matter what, Tang Yu has to strip or perform a ten-minute tongue kiss for you guys. amy voiced out the thoughts of the public.

the scene just now was so beautiful!

if they kissed, the scene would definitely be so mesmerizing.

pei qiqi nodded and said seriously, " i'll ask tang yu then. "

so, she returned to her seat. she probably thought that once he got home, she would directly tell tang yu what amy wanted.

Tang Yu came back five minutes later because he was waiting on little ye during those five minutes.

this marriage leave was very satisfying!

After serving Xiaoxin, he came out to take a breath of fresh air, lit a cigarette, and returned ...

"qiqi, what do you want to choose?"

pei qiqi looked at that sentence and snorted. it was the standard tang response.