mr. tang's marriage leave (dog food)

PEI Qiqi's face was burning and she coughed, " "Aren't we getting married?"

Amy looked at her Little Neck and whined, " "oh yeah! The wedding is so intense."

pei qiqi gritted her teeth and pounced over. amy screamed.

the entire jia ren magazine agency was in a jubilant mood. when pei qiqi was done, she stopped and put her arm around amy's shoulder. she felt a little emotional ...

Tang Yu arranged for her to come here probably to make her happy.

tang yu, thank you. i'm very happy.

not because of anything else, but because you love me!

She was in a state of excitement the entire day. In the afternoon, PEI Huan came over with kan Xing.

Poor child, he still hasn't changed his name.

PEI Qiqi and PEI Huan were familiar now. She looked at the little gossip star and asked PEI Huan, " "What's your name?"

PEI Huan looked a little depressed. kan Xing.