a full load of dog food (2)

He lowered his head and sucked on her lips, his voice hoarse."liangqiu, i want you."

her face turned slightly red, and her body was held so she couldn't move. she could only kick him, and he let her kick as she pleased. anyway, her little tricks couldn't do anything to him.

he indulged her for a while, but she didn't know that there was a storm in his eyes.

he lowered his head to kiss her and firmly pulled her bathrobe off.

When he covered her, he bit her earlobe and said a little naughtily, " "i wonder what little piggie tastes like."

"you're perverted and shameless." ye liangqiu tried to kick him again, but this time, he easily trapped her with his four limbs. his eyes were filled with a smile."You were the one who provoked me first,"

He sniffed her neck with his tall nose, which was slightly cold. from here, huh? "

she was completely trapped, and he ate her from head to toe.

in the end, she clutched the sheets tightly and bit her lip. " is it dirty? "