Full of dog food (3)

At that time, he was shocked that he actually remembered every bit of her being here.

He refused to accept this fact. He didn't want to admit it, but he couldn't.

Ye Liangqiu took a bite and slowly savored it. To her surprise, she found that the taste was very similar to the one she had made.

Qin Anlan's expression was a little subtle. He seemed a little nervous, but also a little relieved. After a long time, he said softly, " "not bad, right?"

she raised her eyes and looked at him. " it's more than just 'not bad'. you've surpassed your master. "

xiao mu yun was not around, so he could not help but tease her.

"Then I look forward to seeing you surpass your master in bed," he said in a low voice.

she almost spat out a mouthful of rice.

&Nbsp; Qin Anlan immediately handed him a glass of water. drink some to suppress it.

she looked at him with tears in her eyes.