A full load of dog food (4)

qin anlan smiled and pinched her little face. " i need you. "

"Can't you just let me eat properly?" She simply threw a tantrum at him.

As for the man who disdained women, he immediately lowered his eyes and placed food on her plate. He coaxed her, " eat more.

she couldn't help but soften when he was like this. she didn't say anything more and ate with all her might.

"be careful of your figure," he reminded. His voice was careful, as if he was afraid that she would be angry.

she looked at him with a look of contemplation in her eyes. after a long time, she finally spat out four words, " "carnivorous animals."

qin anlan took some more food for her and said with a smile, " "then our little piggy has to eat more. it'll be better when you're fat."

ye liangqiu didn't make a sound. she had unknowingly eaten a lot.

He smiled and reached out to wipe her mouth. He didn't ask her to wash the dishes and washed them himself.